The Real Gun Guys

Several guns in a gun case. Two rifles, a pistol, and a shotgun.


Several guns in a gun case. Two rifles, a pistol, and a shotgun.


Several guns in a gun case. Two rifles, a pistol, and a shotgun.


Several guns in a gun case. Two rifles, a pistol, and a shotgun.

Gun Culture

Several guns in a gun case. Two rifles, a pistol, and a shotgun.

Gun Stores

Several guns in a gun case. Two rifles, a pistol, and a shotgun.

Gun Blog

The Real Gun Guys are a group of people who respect the great equalizing power of guns and are on a quest to learn more about our right to own them, and our duty to use them safely when necessary to protect and provide.

About Us

Our team covers gunsgear, training, and gun culture. This includes discussing all types of firearms, gun scopes, gun safes, gun holsters, and other related outdoor equipment for the modern sportsman. From hunting and survival, to self-defense and warfare, we write about all the ways guns are used. We also go into detail about how to take care of your guns. We prioritize Gun Safety above all else. Every gun should be treated with respect, caution, and skillful awe.

Ownership History

The Real Gun Guys website and brand has changed hands a few times over the years. In the past the website had lower quality content from writers without first hand experience. There were even articles that didn’t seem like they were written in proper English, but those days are gone.

As of 2022, The Real Gun Guys brand and it’s assets are now owned by Hyper Tribal.

The current owner is now on a mission to improve the quality of the content shared on this website.

We want to share the experience of people with first hand knowledge of guns, gun history, and firearms training.

We also want to build a positive community around the proper use of guns.