Dueling Tree Handgun Competition

Here’s a video of me losing in a friendly handgun dueling tree competition.

Handgun dueling tree competitions are some of the most fun I’ve ever had at a gun range.

I lost my first Handgun Dueling Tree competition just the other day, as you can see in the video.

I started off in the lead, but lost focus at the end and couldn’t stay consistent. It was a casual tournament, but included some fun prizes on the line, so it got my competitive juices flowing.

My rival in this shootout was a sponsored 3-gun shooting sports guy, so I want a rematch!

Side note: I’m new to shooting sports so I’d love feedback on my technique. It’s probably terrible so have at it. I’m the guy closest to the camera.

Our friendly competition may have been different from standard rules, but here’s the breakdown…

Handgun Dueling Tree Competition Rules

  • Handguns can start loaded with first round chambered, plus additional loaded mag on hand if needed.
  • Shooters start in low ready position.
  • After start signal, shooters can aim and fire.
  • Round ends when someone hits all paddle targets to their competitor’s side, or ammo runs out, or time runs out.
  • Whoever has least targets on their side at the end of the round wins.

Shooting Gear

The shooting gear I used in this competition are probably not ideal for this event, but its what I had at the time.


Glock 45 Gen 5, Compact Crossover

glock 45 gen 5 handgun


Blazer Ammunition, 9mm Luger 115 grain FMJ, model 5200, Brass Case, Centerfire Cartridges

Box of Blazer Ammunition, 9mm Luger 115 grain FMJ, model 5200, Brass Case, Centerfire Cartridges

I feel like I’m more accurate with the lighter grain like the 115 instead of 124 grain ammo. Small difference, but when I’ve tested them back to back, I’ve felt that difference.

Ear Protection

I wore the Howard Leight by Honeywell Impact Sport Sound Amplification Electronic Shooting Earmuff for ear protection.

Eye Protection

For eye protection I wore my prescription glasses from Zenni Optical.


Where to buy the gear mentioned in this article:

(Affiliate links used in some cases.)

The Dueling Trees buying options:

Glock 45 Gen 5 Handgun buying options:

Ear protection buying options:

Eye Protection buying options:

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